
Showing posts with the label complex query

Hybris flexible search query examples

Use of Enum in the query Find all running Solr Index jobs select {cj.code},{enum:code},{cj.startTime},{cj.endTime} from { SolrIndexerCronJob! as cj join EnumerationValue as enum on {cj.status}={} } where {enum:code} = 'RUNNING' Compare Date in the flexiblesearch query Find all running Solr Index jobs from the given date select {cj.code},{enum:code},{cj.startTime},{cj.endTime} from { SolrIndexerCronJob! as cj join EnumerationValue as enum on {cj.status}={} } where {enum:code} = 'RUNNING' and {cj.startTime} >= TO_DATE('2021/12/25','YYYY/MM/DD') Basic  JOIN  and  IN  query Get the most recent order for each customer using flexible search. select {o.code} as orderCode, {} as name, {a.cellphone} as cellphone from {order as o join Customer as c on {} = {o.user} join Address as a on {o.deliveryaddress} = {} } where {o.code} in ({{select max({cod...