
Showing posts with the label b2bunit specific pricing in hybris

Customer specific pricing in the SAP Hybris

How to create customer specific price in SAP Hybris using UserPriceGroup? 1. Create UserPriceGroup INSERT_UPDATE UserPriceGroup ; code[unique=true] ; name[lang=en] ; group1 ; "Group 1" ; group2 ; "Group 2" 2. Assign userPriceGroup to  PriceRow  # Macros / replace yourProductCatalog name $productCatalog=yourProductCatalog $catalogVersionStaged=catalogversion(catalog(id[default=$productCatalog]),version[default='Staged'])[unique=true,default='$productCatalog:Staged'] INSERT_UPDATE PriceRow ; product(code, $catalogVersionStaged)[unique=true] ; currency(isocode)[unique=true] ; price ; net[unique=true,default=false] ; ug(code)[allownull=true] ; unit(code)[default=pieces] ; PRODUCT-1 ; CAD ; 93.60 ; false ; group1 ; ...