Customer specific pricing in the SAP Hybris
How to create customer specific price in SAP Hybris using UserPriceGroup? 1. Create UserPriceGroup INSERT_UPDATE UserPriceGroup ; code[unique=true] ; name[lang=en] ; group1 ; "Group 1" ; group2 ; "Group 2" 2. Assign userPriceGroup to PriceRow # Macros / replace yourProductCatalog name $productCatalog=yourProductCatalog $catalogVersionStaged=catalogversion(catalog(id[default=$productCatalog]),version[default='Staged'])[unique=true,default='$productCatalog:Staged'] INSERT_UPDATE PriceRow ; product(code, $catalogVersionStaged)[unique=true] ; currency(isocode)[unique=true] ; price ; net[unique=true,default=false] ; ug(code)[allownull=true] ; unit(code)[default=pieces] ; PRODUCT-1 ; CAD ; 93.60 ; false ; group1 ; ...